Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2009 (Sam)

RANKING: 8 out of 10

In 2009, there were a lot of surprises, some good and some bad. But I have to say, my eighth grade year might have been the best year of my life. Here are five big 2009 events:

1) OBAMA IS ELECTED PRESIDENT - Our first African-American president. Maybe I'm a McCain person. Maybe he's not a good president so far. But no matter if he serves one term or two, his election is definitely a history-maker. It's also the first inauguration I've ever watched.

2) MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON - In January, a Boeing 707 airplane collided with a flock of birds and malfunctioned shortly after taking off from La Guardia airport. The pilot, Chesley "Sulley" Sullenberger, successfully landed the plane in the Hudson River, and was hailed as a hero. It was the top story in the news for days.

3) KRIS ALLEN WINS "AMERICAN IDOL" - I'm a fan of Kris Allen, and his surprising victory over the favorite from the beginning, glam-rocker Adam Lambert, was considered an upset (I was a bit surprised myself). Some fans refused to accept it. Why can't people just face the facts when they don't get their way? I mean, my season 7 favorite David Archuleta lost, and I'm fine.

4) MICHAEL JACKSON DIES - The death of Michael Jackson may have been the biggest since Princess Diana. He started out as a child prodigy, and then became an '80s megastar. But the controversy surrounding his personal life often made people forget that, and by the time of his death, he was one of the most mocked celebrities in America. But when he died, everyone forgot the negatives and remembered the positives: Michael Jackson, the moonwalking King of Pop.

5) WORLD'S TALLEST BUILDING COMPLETED - The Burj Dubai, the world's tallest building, was built throughout 2009 and just completed after New Year. It is located in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai, and is equal to the height of almost two Empire State Buildings. My brother Luke is a big fan!

It was also a great year in film, as "The Blind Side," "Avatar," "Up," and "Up in the Air," dominated the box office. Though the second half of the year was downgraded when I entered high school, overall it was a good year.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, you are a great writer! Don't tell your dad, but your review was better written than his. haha. If you want me come over and show you some neat tricks with your blog, let me know.
