Sunday, January 3, 2010

Invictus (James)

Sam and I had to press the pause button on our trip to see Invictus due to a fire alarm that closed Celebration Cinema. As a result, we were delayed a week, and the wait was worth it. The movie was thought provoking and led to some great discussion.

The best part about Invictus was the performance of Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela. I knew Mandela was a terrific leader, and this movie does an excellent job of depicting the culture of grace and truth Mandela worked so hard to create after he became president of South Africa. Freeman captured the inner turmoil Mandela endured due to painful family issues, and he also delivered many profound Mandela quotes with effortless skill.

Outside of Freeman, no one else in the cast was particularly memorable but the performances were solid. This includes Matt Damon, who was steady but not spectacular as the captain of the Springboks rugby team.

The only negative side was Sam and I endured some louder than usual movie goers, including lady who noisily jostled her popcorn and a man who answered and spoke on his cell phone during the movie.

I'd give the movie 6.83 out of 10!!

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